All abstracts will be subjected to a review process of experts pannel. Only, original unpublished work is eligible. Any abstracts identical or substantially similar work already published or under review for another conference or a publication, will not be considered. If your abstract is accepted, at least one of the authors should register for the conference and present the abstract.
Short abstract + Extended Abstract.
Declaration form.
Ethical approval (if applicable).
Documents received after the given deadline (10th November 2022), due to any reason will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
Font type and size: Times New Roman, font size 14
Centred text in bold
Upper Case.
Abstract titles should be short, but descriptive. Informative titles, indicating key points are encouraged. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
Paragraph - Justified, No indent, No extra spacing before or after, No special effects
Scientific names should be in italic.
Insert - Picture - Yes, for Figure and Table (Maximum 2)
Insert -Text Box - Yes, for Figure or Table titles, if any. (Maximum 2)
Format - Text Box - Layout - Wrapping style = Square, Horizontal alignment = Left or Right
Flow-charts - Inside a Text Box and letter size of 10 –12 pt.
Font type and size: Times New Roman- 10
Names should be indicated with superscript Arabic numbers appearing at the end of surname / family name
A superscript asterisk should be used for the corresponding author
If there are more than one name and address, they should be related by superscript numbers
The document should not exceed five (05) pages, page numbers should be included and consist following sections.