
Preventive Education and
Training Unit

Prevention Education and Training Unit of National Dangerous Drugs Control Board mandated via Sri Lanka legislations and International drug demand reduction convention; discharged its duties actively toward a drug free Sri Lanka, promoting drug prevention activities Island wide.

PET Unit maintains a balanced and comprehensive approach to the drugs problem addressing demand which supported by evidence-based responses focusing on prevention, social integration, and sustainable livelihoods. PET Unit is building cooperation with the institutional bodies of the drug control system, International and National agencies and the scientific community to drive work that is evidenced-based.

Uphold by these evidence based sources, Preventive Education and Training Unit has identified the timely necessity of creative educational programmes targeting school students, adolescents, university students, government, non- government and private sector employees. All preventive activities are conducted by a professionally qualified and trained staff using curriculum based education theories and interactive social learning methods which contributes to enhance effective drug education and awareness in the society.

School based prevention

PET Unit conducts drug prevention programmes for school students all over the country with the aim of reducing the risks of alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse by addressing the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviours. Programme provides students with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations.

  • TOT for Teachers
  • To achieve successful outcomes in drug prevention, it is proved that a considerable attention needed to be paid for school students to enhance personal and social competence related to preventing drug abuse. School teachers can effectively involve in these process.

    Having understood above necessity, PET Unit has designed a training programme series with the aim of providing school teachers with skill-based, theoretical and practical knowledge of drug prevention.

    Youth based prevention

  • Vocational Training Centres and Tertiary Education Institutions
  • Vocational Training Authority plans and conducts a number of training courses Island wide to provide necessary education up to graduate level. One of the major target groups of PET Unit is these students in tertiary educational institutes because these students have been identified to be a vulnerable group for abusing drugs. PET Unit conducted a series of drug awareness programmes to develop their knowledge and skills which encourage a drug free life.

  • Preventive Education for University Students
  • PET Unit has designed a skills-based programme to promote positive health and personal development for University students. This programme helps university students navigate the challenges of the University and prepares them for the independence and responsibilities that they will encounter as young adults. This programme for university students uses developmentally appropriate, collaborative learning strategies to help students achieve competency in the skills that have been shown to prevent substance use.

  • TOT for Youth
  • Evidences show that youth is a powerful force in drug prevention in the world. They have an outstanding understanding of youth more than majority of scientific researches. This makes them easy to reach their peers with positive drug prevention messages without stigmatizing. Considering these factors, a series of training of trainers workshop for selected youth leaders were conducted by PET Unit. These trained youth leaders have been conducting drug prevention campaigns in their areas under the supervision of PET Unit.

    Family based prevention

    Effective prevention programme should be able to addresses the vulnerabilities that put children and young people at risk of starting to use drugs or other risky behaviours. Families can be one of the strongest protective factors in the lives of children and early adolescence. Poor parenting, family dysfunction, neglect and abuse are some of the strongest risk factors associated with a range of risky behaviours, including substance abuse. PET unit conducts family skill development programs and educational programs to prevent drug use in families

    Larger workplace based prevention

  • Larger Work Places (BOI )
  • Workers employed in larger work places has been identified to be a high risk group for substance abuse as a result of tiring nature of the work, lack of time spend with their family members and closers, problems in time management and lack of positive relationships. Stress caused by above factors lead people to substance abuse. To address above issue effectively PET Unit conducted a considerable number of drug awareness programmes in larger work place island wide.

  • Government Officers
  • Government sector plays a vital role in country with the power of access to whole country with their administrative system. Intending using this power of accessibility to drug prevention and to increase the productivity of government officer’s, PET Unit has conducted number of awareness and training programmes for grama niladhari, samurdhi niladhari, development officers, and other field officers who employed in government sector Island wide.

  • Programmes for Law Enforcement Officers
  • It is identified that both supply reduction and demand reduction approaches are necessary to attain effective results in drug prevention. Law enforcement of emerging psychotropic substances and current trends in drug trafficking are essential in developing the efficiency of their service. To address these issues in law enforcement sector, PET Unit launched a programme series for three forces, Sri Lanka Police, Sri Lanka Custom and other law enforcement officials.

    Community Programmes

    PET Unit conducts drug prevention programmes for community with the aim of reducing demand for substances. Researches prove that providing drug education for grass root level community generates effective outcomes in successfully managing substance related issues. It is notable that people live in community have more influence on substance users and also they are power enough to change their attitudes as they have a good understanding of their own members.

    Major objective of community programme is to reduce environmental factors and social influence that leads people to experiment and use substances. Additionally, it is intended to empower community members to avoid their closers from substance related issues and to encourage healthy lifestyle.


    Drug Prevention Exhibitions are a cost and time effective way of conveying a message to a larger group. In these exhibitions; posters, banners, and leaflets containing drug prevention messages and information were distributed among public.

    Preventive Coordinators

     Name of the officer Designation  Location Mobile Number  E mail address
    01 Mr. Pradeep Koholanegedara AD Head Office 071 4539835
    02 Ms. Priyadarshani Rathnayake EIO Head Office 071 5667669
    04 Mr. Chamara Pradeep EIO Head Office 071 4847243
    05 Ms.J.A.D  Chandima Jayakody EIO Head Office 071 8184343
    06 Mr. H.M Ranasinghe EIO Head Office 071 8544442
    07 Ms. Inusha Hettiarachchi EIO Puttalam District 071 9273243
    08 Ms. Sewwandi Jayakodi EIOKurunagala District 076 7448836
    09 Ms.Thilini Weerasekara AEIORathnapura District 071 8549291
    10 Ms. Harshani Ariyarathne AEIO Gampaha District 075 8288719
    11 Ms. Chamalee Jeewanthi AEIO Kalutara District 075 8282541
    13 Ms. Isurika Nadeeshani AEIO Galle District 071 6970229
    14 Ms. K.H. Maheshi Madushani AEIO Colombo District 071 8549283
    15 Mr. Rashad AEIO Ampara District 076 7191119 
    16 Ms. Dilhara Waragoda AEIO Gampaha District
    17 Ms. Priyanthi Hewage AEIO
    18 Mr. W.G.S Udana DEIA Head Office 071 8555854
    19 Ms. Sahangee Alwis DEIA Galle District 077 4736090
    20 Ms. L.A.C Wijerathna Yapa DEIA Matara District 071 2187620
    21 Ms. Surangi Nawalahewage DEIA Hambanthota District 071 9069706
    22 Ms. Dulshani Tharaka DEIA Colombo District 071 4539844
    23 Ms. W.M Trishnika Wijekoon DEIA Kandy District 070 2027875

    Status Report

    1. Status Report Preventive Education and Training Unit January 2024
    2. Status Report Preventive Education and Training Unit February 2024
    3. Status Report Preventive Education and Training Unit May 2024
    4. Status Report Preventive Education and Training Unit June 2024
    5. Status Report Preventive Education and Training Unit July 2024
    6. Status Report Preventive Education and Training Unit August 2024new


    1. A Scientific Definition of Drug Prevention
    3. Two Drug Preventive Workshop new

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